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Some Medical Institutions are Offering their Trainees Coaching

I was just reading an interesting piece by the AAMC’s Stacy Weiner on coaching for medical students and residents. The idea is that – beyond advising – students can benefit from the attention of skilled listeners to help them develop individualized plans to achieve short- and long-term goals. 

In the article, Dr. Dana Dunne, the director of coaching at Yale School of Medicine explains, “A coach mostly asks you questions. ‘How do you know when you’re doing well?’ ‘What does success look like for you?’ ‘What has helped you make decisions in the past?’” The AAMC article also highlights Colorado University’s Better Together program. The Better Together website addresses assistance with issues like imposter syndrome, time management, perfectionism, and burnout.

What a great opportunity! All things being equal, choosing an institution that has accessible coaching makes sense when you’re considering which medical school or residency to attend.

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The Residency and Medical School Application Process: Moving Past Impostor Syndrome

First described by psychologists Drs. Suzanne Imes and Pauline Rose Clance in the 1970s, impostor phenomenon occurs among high achievers who cannot easily internalize their successes. They often externally attribute their accomplishments to luck and worry that others will eventually realize they are frauds.

Recognize this phenomenon of self-doubt?

You are not alone. Although many people suffer in silence (as they do not want to be revealed for what they perceive to be major deficiencies), the syndrome is quite common, especially in medical school. According to one 2016 study, almost a quarter of male medical students and nearly half of female students surveyed suffered with impostor syndrome. The phenomenon can be associated with depression, burn out, and anxiety. The American Psychological Association offers a few tips for overcoming impostor syndrome including speaking to mentors, recognizing what you excel at, and talking to a professional if necessary. 

Here’s a fun article on imposter syndrome by Joelle Borhart MD, the Associate Program Director at Georgetown University. 

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The Difference between Lazing Around and Laissez-faire

When I was in medical school, I was talking to a friend who was an avid fiction reader. I, too, love to read, but I remember feeling like I couldn’t find the time. I told him that I didn’t think I could get through medical school successfully if I were reading regularly. I remember he told me kindly, “I don’t think I can get through medical school successfully if I’m not reading regularly.”

That comment really sunk in, and I think of it often when I’m focusing on conventional productivity. There’s a great, recent New York Times opinion piece by Bonnie Tsui that reflects this idea: We need to relax and have fun in order to be creative and successful (although she points out that fallow time should not be seen as just another life hack; there is great importance in recreation apart from its ability to boost our productivity). Take a peek at her piece here. It’s especially important for those entering the demanding career of medicine.

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The Match

Congratulations to my residency applicant clients on your great success in the Match! Special kudos goes to those who applied successfully in very competitive fields.

I was also thrilled that even those with significant weaknesses in their candidacies presented themselves effectively in their written materials and interviews such that they matched well.

Now, go out and celebrate!

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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