Blog Archives

Be an Adult: Don’t Accept Helicopter Parenting

Check out this hilarious (and sad) piece in the New York Times about helicopter parenting and note that two of the anecdotes are physician related. (Can you imagine interviewing for an attending position with your dad present?)

My policy at Insider is to work exclusively with applicants (not parents or spouses) to maintain confidentiality, avoid redundancy, and ensure candidates assume primary responsibility for their work. It’s a winning strategy.

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Reading this Article Could Make You Wealthier than Working Long Hospital Shifts

Work smarter, not harder. Read this funny, informative Student Doctor Network article by CrispyDoc on financial literacy for the newly minted physician. Have little idea what an “alternative asset class” really means? Don’t know which is a bear- and which is a bull-market? This piece is for you. Learn that do-it-yourself investing is not that hard with the technological tools now at our finger tips and start saving so that you can gain financial independence early and avoid burnout.

Also, make sure to check out CrispyDoc’s awesome blog for tips on financial independence and finding your mojo in and out of medicine.

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Why did ERAS crash during SOAP?

Congrats to all of those who Matched last week! And kudos for those of you who managed to make it through this year’s difficult SOAP.

During SOAP (Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program) last week, the server crashed, leaving many applicants and programs confused and scrambling (no pun intended). The 2019 Match Week and SOAP schedule was, therefore, revised such that all SOAP offer rounds were postponed and limited to Thursday, March 14.

At the time of this writing, it’s unclear what happened. Rumors are that the volume of participants was greater than in past years, leaving ERAS/AAMC unprepared. This might be the case with the opening of many new medical schools and a continued, relative dearth in the number of residency spots available. Read this article for a controversial – but interesting – take on why.

We’ll probably have to wait for this year’s Match numbers for any answers.

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Do No Harm

I recommend reading this piece in Emergency Medicine News by Dr. Graham Walker. He writes about a physician colleague who recently committed suicide. The article notes that anesthesiologists and surgeons are the most likely to die by suicide, and emergency physicians come next in the specialties.

As a follow up, this NYT piece on physician suicide is also worth a read – old but still relevant. Sadly, it notes that pre-meds enter medical training with mental health profiles similar to those of their peers but end up experiencing depression at greater rates.

I’ve written about depression in doctors before and would like to reinforce the importance and urgency of seeking professional help for depressed clinicians.  

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Clinical Medicine: Know What You’re Getting Yourself Into

The article I’m about to recommend is not for the faint of heart.

Alex Mohseni MD wrote a very pointed, compelling piece in a recent Emergency Medicine News called, “Why I Quit Emergency Medicine.” It has created quite a buzz in emergency medicine circles.

It’s painful, but a really great read. Here it is.

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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