In their publication Impact of Length of Rank Order List on Main Residency Match Outcome:2002-2015, the NRMP reports that matched applicants consistently have longer rank order lists than unmatched applicants.
What that means to those approaching the residency application process is that candidates should throw a wide net in choosing programs at which to apply. Of course, there is a cost to this strategy, and that expense needs to be balanced. However, if you can afford it, starting out with more options usually will provide more opportunities to interview and thus, the ability to create a longer rank order list.
Please remember that on February 25 your rank list must be certified by 9pm EST, and changes cannot be made after that time. The NRMP will not enter a list; add, delete or move programs; or modify a rank order list.
Every year I see applicants making changes to their lists at the last minute. Please take some time to consider your decisions, and submit your rank list well before the deadline.
I recently received an email from an applicant who was offered a slot outside the Match. Although there are situations in which this type of overture is legitimate, please make sure you understand the NRMP’s All-In Policy to ensure that any offers you receive are valid.
Last admissions season I rolled out a series of under-one-minute, stop-motion-animation videos for applicants. I’ve had several thousand views, and I even got a shout-out from the NRMP® itself. (They tweeted, saying they agreed with the advice in the clip, “NRMP® Ranking to Avoid a Spanking.”)
For those of you who’d like to take a look at the videos, check out (and subscribe to) my Youtube channel or look at my website here. Timely ones are “Dine Don’t Whine,” “Stars are Made Not Born,” and “No Ring, No Thing.”