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Medscape’s National Physician Burnout Report 2021 is out – and it’s Troubling

The Medscape National Physician Burnout & Suicide Report 2021 is now available, and it seems rather evident that the pandemic has negatively affected physicians who were already under a lot of stress, especially those in critical care medicine.

More than half of critical care physicians report being burned out (51%), and critical care ranks as the highest specialty in the burnout questionnaire, followed by rheumatology (50%) and infectious disease (49%). Those numbers compare with last year’s report at 44%, 46%, and 45%, respectively. This year, my field of emergency medicine (EM) was at 44%, which sounds high, but, sadly, EM was not even in the top ten burned out specialties. That gives you an idea of the severe scope of the problem.

Women reported burnout at 51% compared to 36% for men, and while this disparity has been present for many years, the discrepancy between the genders was greater in this most recent report.

Seventy-nine percent of those surveyed relayed that their burnout started before COVID, while 21% reported after. Bureaucratic tasks and too many hours at work were the major reported contributors to burnout.

Take a look at the Medscape National Physician Burnout & Suicide Report 2021 slide deck yourself for more interesting details, and check out my Kevin MD piece on EM burnout here.

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As you interview now for medical school, dental school, residency, or fellowship, it’s important to think about what will make you happy in the next phase of your career.

When I was a medical student applying for emergency medicine residency programs, a well-meaning dean gave me some bad advice. I was determining the order of my rank list and was particularly concerned about one program that had an excellent reputation but was in a city I didn’t like. The dean told me, “You’ll be so busy during residency it won’t matter where you live.” Luckily, the advice rubbed me the wrong way, and I wholeheartedly disregarded it. Where you live for your training is as important as the quality of your training program. The reasons are several-fold:

1. Training is time-consuming, and you want to be in a city you can enjoy fully when you’re able to blow off steam. 

2. Training is stressful, and you want to be in a city where you have social support.

3. Training is not completed in a vacuum. Your personal life continues. If you’re single, you may meet someone and end up staying in the city where you’ve trained for the rest of your life. If you’re in a long-term relationship, you may decide to have children (or already have them); down the road you might not want to relocate your family.

Not everyone gets the opportunity to train at an institution in a city s/he likes. But prioritizing your contentment will increase your opportunity for well-being and career longevity.

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The Week I Spent 138 Hours in the Hospital and What it Means for your Residency Application

During my internship, on my surgical rotation, I once spent 138 hours in the hospital in one week. If you think this isn’t mathematically possible, I will tell you that I was on call from Monday morning to Tuesday evening, from Wednesday morning to Thursday evening, in-house on Friday, and then on call from Saturday morning until the next Monday morning. (I had to stay in-house that Monday until evening rounds were over too.) As you can imagine, I was barely human by the end. How this schedule was good for patient care is beyond me.

I thought of that ghastly time recently when reading this oldie-but-goodie article in the New York Times called “How Job Stress Can Age Us” written by Dr. Dhruv Khullar. The author reports on a study, “Physician-Training Stress and Accelerated Cellular Aging” that assessed the DNA of 250 first-year medical residents around the country. Researchers examined the saliva samples of these residents, focusing on their telomeres – the bumpers at chromosome ends that prevent DNA damage – before and after the first year of residency. Researchers found that the DNA of first-year residents aged six times faster than normal.

Six times faster.

I found this both shocking, upsetting, and validating. Residency training is as hard as we think it is. 

What I would strongly recommend is that you compare residency programs’ hours as you decide where to apply and before you create your Match list this coming winter. Strangely, many applicants don’t even consider this important issue when making decisions about their next three to five years. Also, many residencies support physician wellness programs and night coverage. Especially in the setting of severe burnout among doctors, your happiness should be a primary factor in your career choices. If you’re not sure, consider your shrinking telomeres. 

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Crossing Fingers for a Happier 2021

Medical school and residency training usually decrease one’s happiness for several reasons: Happiness researchers have demonstrated that a feeling of control and the amount of spare time one has both correlate with happiness. Both of those factors are limited during med school and residency. Relationships are also correlated with happiness, and those can be squashed during medical training as well.

Especially considering how difficult 2020 has been, I want to encourage applicants to consider this happiness quotient when selecting an institution and training program. If you are able, maximizing your contentment by choosing an institution that fosters your greatest happiness is key. Geography; proximity to family, friends and community; and a location that provides an opportunity to enjoy hobbies during limited free time is significant.

Excellent training is important, but, in the end, many medical schools and residency programs turn out equally qualified clinicians. Prioritize your well-being as a factor in selecting where you might be for the next several years of your life.

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The Residency and Medical School Interview Process: Moving Past Impostor Syndrome

First described by psychologists Drs. Suzanne Imes and Pauline Rose Clance in the 1970s, impostor phenomenon occurs among high achievers who cannot easily internalize their successes. They often externally attribute their accomplishments to luck and worry that others will eventually realize they are frauds.

Recognize this phenomenon of self-doubt?

You are not alone. Although many people suffer in silence (as they do not want to be revealed for what they perceive to be major deficiencies), the syndrome is quite common, especially in medical school. According to one 2016 study, almost a quarter of male medical students and nearly half of female students surveyed suffered with impostor syndrome. The phenomenon can be associated with depression, burn out, and anxiety. The American Psychological Association offers a few tips for overcoming impostor syndrome including speaking to mentors, recognizing what you excel at, and talking to a professional if necessary.

Part of interviewing well is demonstrating confidence, according to Amy Cuddy, whose compelling TED talk has been viewed almost 60 million times. Practice a lot and then fake it until you make it, as she suggests. How you present yourself can make a big difference in the outcome of your interviews.


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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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