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Love Letters and Janet Jackson

Letters of interest (LOI) – or what some applicants jokingly call “love letters” – can be used in several types of situations:

1) Residency and medical school applicants who want to make an impression post-interview before decisions are made about their candidacies.
2) Medical school and residency applicants who have not yet been invited to interview.
3) Medical school applicants who have been waitlisted.

When writing your letters of interest, you should have the following goals:

1) Restating your strong interest in the institution
2) Positioning yourself as a distinctive candidate who can contribute fully to the institution

The biggest errors I see in LOIs are:

1) Too much content about a specific institution’s advantages. There is no reason to spend a paragraph or more telling a PD or medical school admissions member what makes their institutions special. Using your precious space this way is an opportunity cost, keeping you from fully showcasing what makes you a compelling applicant.

2) Writing about how the program or school will help you. The focus should be on how you will be a contributor to their institution. (It’s the “What have you done for me lately?” Janet Jackson principle.)

Finally, let me say that I find the term “letter of interest” to be better than “letter of intent” because, generally, I don’t recommend you let institutions know what your intent is (since it might change). Note that with a letter of interest you can create one general letter that you modify and send to different institutions with different goals (i.e. requesting an interview or demonstrating your interest post-interview). You can also modify the letter and send it to your top choices because, if you are not making commitments, then you can honestly use it for multiple institutions. 

For those of you interested in LOI assistance for medical school or residency applicants, please contact me.

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Now That You’ve Gotten an Acceptance to Medical School…

Congratulations to all of my clients who will be starting medical school soon. This is a tremendous achievement. For those who hope to matriculate in the next year or two, I might recommend this Varsity Tutors piece that I wrote several years ago and the follow-up article. The “medical school paradox” is a tough one to crack, but if you prepare in advance, you’ll have an excellent head start and a professional advantage.

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Crossing Fingers for a Happier 2021

Medical school and residency training usually decrease one’s happiness for several reasons: Happiness researchers have demonstrated that a feeling of control and the amount of spare time one has both correlate with happiness. Both of those factors are limited during med school and residency. Relationships are also correlated with happiness, and those can be squashed during medical training as well.

Especially considering how difficult 2020 has been, I want to encourage applicants to consider this happiness quotient when selecting an institution and training program. If you are able, maximizing your contentment by choosing an institution that fosters your greatest happiness is key. Geography; proximity to family, friends and community; and a location that provides an opportunity to enjoy hobbies during limited free time is significant.

Excellent training is important, but, in the end, many medical schools and residency programs turn out equally qualified clinicians. Prioritize your well-being as a factor in selecting where you might be for the next several years of your life.

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Medical School Applicants: Here’s How to Hit the Ground Running

For those applicants looking forward to starting their medical education next August and those who just started a few months ago, here’s a piece called, “Setting the Right Goals During Medical School.” How do you set yourself up for a successful residency Match while avoiding burnout? This short piece will give you some ideas to chew on.

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Bad Advice Turned on Its Head

The end of the year is a time for reflection and a time to consider what will make you happy in the upcoming twelve months – and beyond.

When I was a medical student applying for emergency medicine residency programs, a well-meaning dean gave me some bad advice: I was determining the order of my rank list and was particularly concerned about one program that had an excellent reputation but was in a city I didn’t like. The dean told me, “You’ll be so busy during residency it won’t matter where you live.” Luckily, the advice rubbed me the wrong way, and I wholeheartedly disregarded it. Where you live for your medical training – medical school, residency, or fellowship – is as important as the quality of your training program! The reasons are several-fold:

1. Medical training is time-consuming, and you want to be in a city you can enjoy fully when you have a few moments to blow off steam.
2. Medical training is extremely stressful, and you want to be in a city where you have social support.
3. Medical training is not completed in a vacuum. Your personal life continues. If you’re single you may meet someone and end up staying in the city where you have trained for the rest of your life (gasp). If you’re in a long-term relationship you may decide to have children or may already have them. Down the road you may not want to relocate your family.

Not everyone gets the opportunity to go to medical school or train in residency and fellowship programs in a city s/he likes. But you can make choices that will increase your chances. Consider these options – and your happiness – as you make professional decisions this coming year.

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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