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Improve Your Medical School Candidacy: Prove you can Handle the Heat

Getting into medical school has gotten so competitive that it’s important to have a strong candidacy with excellent grades and robust extracurricular activities starting early in your college career.

One mistake I see pre-meds make is that they are so focused on leadership and research that they forget a critical component – clinical experience. No one wants to hire a cook who hasn’t worked in the kitchen. If you want to prove that you want to be a doctor, it’s essential that you obtain clinical experience for a significant period of time – not just a health fair or two. Good grades will not make up for a lack of clinical experience.

Working as an EMT, in a good clinical care extender program, or in a low-income clinic are just some ideas for obtaining excellent clinical exposure. Although you might think free clinics would be thrilled to have a pre-med volunteer, many understandably require one-year commitments.

To create a plan for your medical school candidacy, secure a Strategy Session with me here.

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Read the Fine Print

Medical School ApplicationA few years ago, a medical school applicant told me the following story:

This pre-med decided to write follow up notes to all the schools at which he had interviewed, usually a good idea. However, he was upset to receive a brusque note from one of the institutions telling him that a) he should have read their policies; they do not allow post-interview contact and b) he was rejected from the school.

I found the school’s note pretty severe, and I strongly suspect the post-interview contact was not related to his rejection. (As an aside, he successfully and happily matriculated at another school.) But this story is a reminder that it’s important to read institutions’ policies about post-interview contact. Most places welcome written updates, but it’s essential to confirm before you send.

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How and When to Choose your Specialty

Check out this featured Student Doctor Network piece by Dr. David Presser and me called Choosing a Specialty:The Generalist vs. the Early-Committer. It’s valuable for anyone in college through the third year of medical school (maybe more).

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Do Interviews Matter?

Residency Application and Residency InterviewYes!
For residency candidates: The NRMP Program Directors’ Survey makes it very clear that interviews matter a lot, which was also my experience as an Assistant Residency Director. I recall very robust conversations about even small comments candidates made during their interviews, some of which affected their ranking on our Match list.
For medical school applicants: Although there is controversy over how much college interviews matter, even skeptics acknowledge that graduate school interviews make a difference in the application process. In this NYT piece, two former interviewers strongly advise conducting mock interviews and being prepared for “curve ball” questions.
Remember: If you’re well-prepared, once you get your foot in the door, you can make a strong impression about the worthiness of your candidacy.
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Medical School – Accepted!

So far this year, Insider clients have seen a lot of medical school acceptances. School include University of California – Irvine, Washington University, Drexel, University of Michigan, Northwestern, Louisiana State University, Tulane, University of Texas – Southwestern, Baylor, Temple University, Oakland University, and Hofstra-LIJ North Shore School of Medicine, to name a few. Click here to see a complete list of Insider client acceptances.

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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