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AMCAS Opens for Submission on Thursday

The AMCAS open-for-submission date is this Thursday, May 27. While submitting on Thursday is to your advantage because of rolling admissions, getting that application in at 9:30am EST on May 27 is not worth losing your mind over, so if you simply can’t, please don’t kick yourself.

If you’re wrapping up your work and have your written materials in a superior state, just keep moving and get your application submitted promptly. If you’re behind the eight ball and don’t feel that you can craft outstanding written materials speedily, consider waiting a year to apply. Every season I encounter re-applicants who, during the previous cycle, submitted their AMCASes in August or September…thus making them re-applicants :(. 

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How to Use the MSAR to Your Advantage

The Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR) is an online database that allows users to search, sort, and compare information about U.S. and Canadian medical schools. The 2021 MSAR is out, and if you are applying to medical school, I’d recommend purchasing it ($28 for one year and $36 for two) because it provides so much information about schools and their admissions statistics. The MSAR allows you to sort and compare schools by median MCAT scores, AMCAS GPAs, and other criteria.

You should use the MSAR to help determine which schools are in your range and which are “reach” schools. While it’s fine to have a lot of reach schools  (if you can afford it), it’s critical to ensure you are applying wisely to schools that match your numbers; in other words, do not apply to reach schools at the expense of those in your range. The advantage of the MSAR is that you can make evidence-based decisions. I’ve found some applicants have eye-opening experiences when they thoroughly review schools’ statistics and either realize that their numbers are low and that they should apply accordingly or, happily, that they have numbers that match with top schools. Either way, reviewing the data is critical to good decision making.

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The Medical School Wait List: Can Anything Be Done?

Just when you’ve completed your interviews and feel that you can finally sit back and relax a little because – after all – the rest is out of your hands, you may be surprised by a medical school wait list notification. What can you do?

1. Realize that getting into medical school has become increasingly competitive year by year. Being wait listed is infinitely better than being rejected, and thus a positive, despite the anxiety is causes.
2. Send a letter of interest. Let the school know of your continued enthusiasm and your new accomplishments. Ensure the letter is well written, streamlined, and brief. If the school is absolutely, positively your first choice, let the admissions committee know that. Feel free to send more than one letter if you are on a medical school wait list for months.
3. Ask the school if you can set up a second look. A supplementary visit indicates to the institution that you are serious, and it offers you more data in making your decision if you’re later offered a spot.
4. Do not neglect your other options. Don’t focus all of your attention on this institution to the exclusion of others: Ensure you are well-prepared for any late interview invites at other medical schools.
5. Ask a well-positioned faculty member who knows your work to make a call or send an email on your behalf. This tactic is especially helpful if the supervisor has a connection to the institution. (I do not recommend that a family friend who hasn’t worked with you contacts the school.)
6. Plan for last minute notice. At some institutions, applicants are offered slots off the medical school wait list throughout the summer. I’ve even heard of acceptances being offered the day before school was to begin. Would you be able to change your living situation, move your personal belongings, and uproot if this were to happen? Be prepared. 

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Accomplished, Not Lovely

A few years back I went to hear the author Nicole Krauss speak about her novel Forest Dark. I am a big fan of Krauss’ writing (especially the History of Love in case you are looking for something wonderful to read). The day I heard the author speak, she had published an opinion piece in the NYT Sunday Magazine called “Do Women Get to Write with Authority?” In the article, Krauss speaks about the lack of authority that women writers have compared to men, and specifically, how female artists’ work is often characterized as “lovely,” a word she describes as lacking in “independent power.”

I must admit that I sometimes use the word “lovely” (both for women and men) when I like someone. But Krauss made me think about the word in the context of achievement – not personality – and her point is well-taken.

What does this have to do with medical school and residency admissions? When you interview, you want the faculty member to leave the table saying you were “accomplished,” not “lovely.” Many applicants miss this point: You don’t want to simply be liked; you want to be seen as worthy. It’s important that you focus on that important goal as you practice for interviews.

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Happy Medical Training: An Oxymoron?

Medical school and residency training usually decrease one’s happiness for several reasons. Happiness researchers have demonstrated that a feeling of control and the amount of spare time one has both correlate with happiness. Both of those factors are limited during med school and residency. Relationships are also correlated with happiness, and those can be squashed during medical training as well.

I’m not trying to be a downer here! I want to encourage applicants to consider this happiness quotient when selecting an institution and training program. A lovely client recently emailed me to ask if he should consider medical schools’ residency program director scores in deciding where to matriculate. (He had already gotten multiple acceptances!) I advised him to consider where he would be happiest instead. If you are able, maximizing your contentment by choosing an institution that fosters your greatest happiness is key. Geography; proximity to family, friends and community; and a location that provides an opportunity to enjoy hobbies during limited free time are significant.

Excellent training is important, but, in the end, many programs turn out equally qualified clinicians. At least consider your well-being as a factor in selecting where you might be for the next three plus years of your life.

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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