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Pre-Match Offers

I received an urgent request from an applicant last week. He wanted to discuss a pre-match offer he had received that had a Friday deadline. The pre-match program was an academic institution, which was appealing, but the interview day had left the applicant underwhelmed for a number of reasons.

On the one hand, this offer was a sure thing. On the other, the applicant had noted what he considered to be red flags. He asked me what to do.

As usual, in life there is no right answer. But here are a few suggestions if offered a pre-match:

1. Ask for more time. In the worst case scenario, the program director says no. Nothing lost.
2. Try to move up any interviews you have not yet attended.
3. Contact the other program directors and let them know you have a pre-match offer and give them the deadline date. They may offer you a pre-match in return. Or – on the contrary – they may let you know they are not interested. Either would be helpful in making your decision.
4. Speak to residents who are at the pre-match program. Trainees will often readily tell you the weaknesses of their institution :). This information will help you make an informed decision.
5. Assess a) your risk-taking comfort zone and b) the strength of your candidacy. This step is probably the hardest, yet most important.

In the end, the applicant did not accept the pre-match offer and is crossing his fingers he’ll end up at another program he likes better. He is so relieved that – with the information he has now – the decision seems to have been the right one for him.

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Do Interviews Matter?

There’s an interesting NYT’s article from this past week called “Do College Admissions Interviews Matter?” Although the article makes a convincing argument that undergraduate interviews may not matter in many cases, it does point out that many graduate school interviews do. It also recommends doing mock interviews.

The NRMP Program Directors’ Survey makes it quite clear that residency interviews matter a lot, which was also my experience as Assistant Residency Director at Harvard. I remember very robust conversations about even small comments that candidates had made in their interviews that adversely affected their ranking on our Match list.

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Congratulations to so many clients who have written me about their Match successes.  Here’s a nice comment I received today:

“Hey Michelle, I wanted to thank you again for all of your advice in this year’s Match, as I matched to my number one. I couldn’t be happier and couldn’t have been more prepared. You relieved a lot of the stress that accompanies such a demanding time. Thanks again!”

I would love to hear from all of you!

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Couples’ Match

I’ve received a few questions about the couples’ match. Here is the information that the NRMP sends to applicants who inquire about it:

(Note the syntax mistakes are not mine :).) Read more ›

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How to Plan for the Scramble

The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP®) Scramble is an oftentimes confusing process that tends to generate a lot of questions. The Scramble is a system used to fill unfilled residency positions. Some medical residency programs will have available residency slots even after the NRMP has completed the Match; these positions become available during the Scramble period so that those applicants who did not get a residency position can vie for them. Please see my article entitled, “What is the Scramble” for a complete calendar of the Scramble 2010. Read more ›

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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