Blog Archives

The Craft of Writing

Two weeks ago I blogged about the importance of using your personal statement to showcase your accomplishments, while ensuring your essay does not become a resume in prose. In the “The Sound of a Sentence,” Constance Hale reviews techniques a writer can use to invigorate his or her compositions.

During my medical school admissions process, I introduced myself to my Duke interviewer who said, “Ever since reading your secondary essay, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you!” I had made a favorable impression and distinguished myself through my writing – the goal of my essay. I find some applicants are simply slogging through the process of writing their personal statements. Remember that you only have a small piece of geography to catch the admission reader’s attention. Use the personal statement space to your advantage, and don’t lose a great opportunity to make a positive impression!

Contact me for help with your written materials – AMCAS, ERAS, personal statements, secondary essays, CVs, letters of intent, etc.

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Letters of Intent

Medical school letters of intent (or what some applicants jokingly call “love letters”) can be used for several types of applicants:

1) Those who have been wait listed
2) Those who have been interviewed but have not yet been accepted or rejected
3) Those who have not yet been invited to interview

When writing your letters of intent (LOIs), you should have the following principal goals:

1) Restating your interest in the institution
2) Positioning yourself as a distinctive candidate

The biggest error I see in LOIs is too much content about a specific institution’s advantages. There is no reason to spend a paragraph or more telling medical school admissions members what makes their institution special. They already know! Using your precious space this way is an opportunity cost, keeping you from fully showcasing what makes you a compelling applicant.

For those of you interested in LOI assistance, please contact me. I do offer a popular LOI editing service.

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Letters of Intent: Don’t Forget Your Purpose

In editing letters of intent (LOI), I note that applicants often make the mistake of focusing on their desired institution’s virtues. Remember that the goal of the LOI is twofold:

1) Affirm your strong interest in the institution.

2) Distinguish yourself with your accomplishments.

These programs already know their strengths; unfortunately, you won’t further your candidacy by reiterating them.  Please see my editing pages for information on my LOI services.


No One Wants to be Your Second Choice for the Prom

Imagine you’re back in high school, planning to ask out a fellow classmate to the prom. You approach your potential date, “Would you be interested in going with me to the dance? You’re my second or third choice!”

Not very compelling…The same is true for letters of intent: I’ve had several applicants ask me if it’s okay to say that an institution is their “second or third choice” or “one of my top” picks.

That does not sound very flattering! Instead you can say something like “I would be thrilled to be here” or ” I’m confident I can make a positive contribution to this program.” In other words, you don’t need to lie (which I never recommend); but you don’t have to shoot yourself in the foot either.

I do edit letters of intent, so let me know if you need assistance.

No One Wants to be your Second Choice for the Prom

Imagine you’re back in high school, planning to ask out a fellow classmate to the prom. You approach your potential date, “Would you be interested in going with me to the dance? You’re my second or third choice!”

Not very compelling…The same is true for letters of intent: I’ve had several applicants as me if it’s okay to say that an institution is their “second or third choice” or “one of my top” picks.

That does not sound very flattering! Instead you can say something like “I would be thrilled to be here” or ” I’m confident I can make a positive contribution to this program.” In other words, you don’t need to lie (which I never recommend); but you don’t have to shoot yourself in the foot either.

I do edit letters of intent, so let me know if you need assistance.


What to do about Medical School Wait Lists and Deferrals

I’ve had a few applicants ask me if there is anything to do after being wait listed for medical school. I do recommend streamlined letters of intent that include what makes you a distinctive candidate and updated information regarding your candidacy. I edit these if you want help.

I’ve also heard of applicants sending letters of intent AND making an appointment to tour the school. A visit demonstrates further interest.

Hang in there. Remember that some people get off the wait list as late as the summer. (Not ideal but better than not getting in.)

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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