Blog Archives

The recession hits AMSA

Bad news: I got word this week that AMSA is being forced to cancel my lecture at the national convention for lack of funding.

Per my contact, the poor economy affected several groups that would typically support a medical student professional advancement lecture. It’s unfortunate but I look forward to giving my lecture in the future.

The blog will take a brief break while I am on vacation!


What if I haven’t heard about my status?

My recommendation for applicants who haven’t heard from institutions is to get on the phone and ask. I’ve had two clients who have done this and have consequently been invited for interviews at those institutions. One applicant was told she was missing a letter of recommendation (which doesn’t really make sense since the process is computerized). The other was invited on the spot on the phone. Additional tips:

1. Be polite. Do not be pushy.
2. Advise the person who answers the phone that you have been offered other interviews (if you have) and that you are trying to make travel plans. (This is honest, and most people are sympathetic to the aggravation and cost involved with organizing travel.)
3. Do no call institutions if their web sites or other materials directly advise you not to call regarding your status.

For help with mock interviews please contact me at . After we had practiced together, one of my clients was recently offered a medical school spot by phone within 24 hours of her interview!


Your favorite institution

A few people have asked me whether it’s wise during the interview, in thank you notes or in letters of intent to tell an institution that it’s your favorite. I say, “Sure, if it’s true.” On the other hand, it’s not wise – as some applicants do – to tell all institutions that they’re your first choice. I can assure you from experience that admissions committee members across the country speak to one another. And you may see these selection committee members again.

I remember an applicant who told our institution that we were his first choice. He was ranked to match but didn’t because he had ranked another residency over us. After that, my colleagues were pretty clear that they wouldn’t forget this deceptive behavior if they interacted with him professionally in the future (seeking a job, seeking a committee position).


GI physician shortage predicted

For my blog-followers who are either currently applying to an Internal Medicine (IM) residency or who are already in their first year of an IM training program, there’s an interesting article on a predicted GI physician shortage. The GI folks I have talked to seem to enjoy their work, feel they are mostly fairly remunerated but have worries about how technologies (like CT imaging) might infringe on their subspecialty. This article may diminish some of those worries about GI’s future.


Scheduling Interview Practice: Think Early

For those of you who are planning to contact me for mock interviews please think early. I have had a few clients requesting emergency sessions. Giving me as much notice as possible is really helpful. My email: .


About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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