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ERAS Announces Candidates Can Submit their ERASes without penalty through September 29 at 9am EST

Last week ERAS Communications sent out a notice to candidates that while applicants may certify and submit their MyERASes as early as Wednesday, September 1 at 9 am EST,  applications submitted on or before September 29 at 9 am EST will display an application date of “September 29” to programs. (Applications submitted after September 29 will display the actual application date.) This means that there is no penalty for candidates to wait to submit their applications until the 29th at 9 am EST. This date is considerably later than recent past years.

This is great news for applicants who are still working on their written materials. Use the time to make sure yours are in the best shape possible.

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NRMP® Data Suggests Residency Applicants Should Apply Broadly

A few years back, the NRMP published a short document called the Impact of Length of Rank Order List on Main Residency Match Outcome:2002-2016. There, the NRMP reported that matched applicants consistently had longer rank order lists than unmatched applicants.

This data is a bit old, but it assesses over a decade of Matches, so I take it seriously. In my mind, what it means to those approaching the residency application process is that candidates should throw a wide net in choosing programs at which to apply. Of course, there is a financial cost to this strategy, and that expense needs to be balanced. However, according to this data, starting out with more options usually will provide more opportunities to interview and thus, the ability to create a longer rank order list.

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Applying in Two Specialties

Occasionally I help residency applicants who are applying in two specialties. This tactic can be strategic in specific scenarios, but it also makes the process more complicated. Here are some quick clarifications to help:

1) Different personal statements can be assigned to different programs. This means you can assign your ob/gyn essay to ob/gyn programs and your internal medicine essay to internal medicine residencies. Of course, in this case, you need to have two versions of your statement in the first place.

2) Different letters of recommendation can be assigned to different residency programs as well. (A maximum of four letters may be assigned to each program.) You’ll either need to have letter writers for different fields, letter writers who will craft two types of letters, generic letters (less compelling), or a mix of these approaches. 

3) You will have only one MyEras application. It will go to all of your programs. Note that if you list your membership in multiple ob/gyn organizations, for example, that will be viewed by your internal medicine readers as well – and might make them question your commitment to IM.

As always, contact me for help. 

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Inaccuracies in Medical Student Grades Translate into a Residency Application Strategy

Here’s an oldie-but-goodie New York Times piece by Dr. Pauline Chen on medical student grades. In reading the article, residency applicants should reflect on how important the content of their letters of recommendation is, especially in the setting of medical school grades that may be inflated or simply inaccurate. The 2020 NRMP Program Director Survey supports the importance of letters, as well, with statistics. Make sure your letters are very strong; remember that mediocre letters should not be a part of your residency package.

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On Your Mark. Get Set. Go: It’s Match Week.

At 11am EST today (8am here on the West Coast) applicant Match statuses becomes available and SOAP starts. If you’re looking for a way to distract yourself with interesting material, take a listen to last week’s wonderful Planet Money podcast on matching algorithms called “The Marriage Pact.” The episode starts with a reference to my alma mater Stanford (go cardinal), reviews an innovative dating algorithm, and touches on the NRMP Match system. 

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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