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Fee Assistance Program

As the 2019-20 medical school application process ramps up, I want to remind candidates about the Association of American Medical Colleges’ (AAMC) Fee Assistance Program (FAP) and Insider Medical Admissions’ available discount for those with a current FAP. The FAP is designed to offer help to individuals with financial limitations who cannot pay the MCAT registration or AMCAS application fees without financial support. 

If you think you are eligible, it’s worth applying for an FAP grant early: If an applicant submits his/her AMCAS prior to receiving a decision on his/her FAP application, that candidate will be ineligible to receive the FAP for the AMCAS. In other words, the candidate will not receive a refund.

For more information on the FAP, please click here. I offer reduced rates for applicants demonstrating financial hardship through a current AAMC FAP grant. After researching the issue, I believe Insider is the only medical consulting company who currently supports a discount for FAP grant recipients. (I apologize if I’m missing a company.) Once you have been granted the FAP and thus, can prove receipt, please feel free to contact me for more information.

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Can a Medical School See the Names of the Other Medical Schools You Apply to?

Medical school applicants sometimes worry about adversely affecting their chances of admission because they might “offend” one school by applying to others. Good news: Schools will not know which other institutions or how many other institutions you applied to through AMCAS.

However, later in the season, medical schools at which you are accepted will be able to see at which other schools you are holding acceptances. But, of course, at that point, it’s too late for that information to harm you.

So, rest assured, applying broadly will not adversely affect your chances at an individual school.

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AMCAS is in the House

The AMCAS submission date came and went, and the question I’m getting now is: Should I be panicking if I haven’t submitted my AMCAS yet?

The answer is no… and, depending on where you are in the process, yes. Submitting on Day 1 precisely is not worth losing your mind over, so if you didn’t do so, please do not kick yourself. On the other hand, submitting very soon is to your advantage because of rolling admissions.

So, if you are wrapping up your work and have your written materials in a superior state, just keep moving and get your application submitted promptly. If you are behind the eight ball and don’t feel that you can craft outstanding written materials speedily, consider waiting a year to apply. Every season I encounter re-applicants who submitted their AMCASes in August or September.

So… on your mark. Get set. Go!

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Tomorrow Belongs to Those Who Can Hear it Coming

That’s right: Tomorrow, May 1 is the day before the official open date of AMCAS 2019. (Okay, I know that sounds confusing, but originally the AMCAS open date looked to be May 1 and is still posted as such in multiple locations. As it turns out, it is May 2.) So, at 9:30am EST on Wednesday, you can start inputting your data.

Because of rolling admissions, submitting a complete application early in the cycle has distinct advantages at many schools.That doesn’t mean you should submit suboptimal written materials; it means you should start early enough (now, at the latest!) that you are offering your best work.

Rolling admissions means that a school takes applications in the order in which they are received and makes decisions about interviews and then acceptances, accordingly. So, as times goes by, there are fewer interview and admissions offers remaining to be made.

If your application is not complete, your candidacy may not be evaluated early when there are more opportunities for interviews and admissions. So, if you have not already, get started immediately. It could make a huge difference in your available opportunities.

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Ten AMCAS Mistakes You Absolutely Want to Avoid

Here’s a quick and dirty list of AMCAS Work and Activities section errors to avoid at all costs:

1. Don’t write to write, and don’t fill to the maximum character count unless necessary. While you want to include many strong achievements, you do not want your AMCAS to be so wordy that your reader is tempted to skim.

2. While you need to be brief, don’t write in phrases; use full sentences. It’s a formal application, and you want to make your written materials as readable as possible.

3. Don’t assume your reader will carefully study the “header” section (including the title of the activity, hours, etc.). Make sure your descriptor could stand alone: Instead of “As an assistant, I conducted experiments…” use “As a research assistant at a Stanford Medical School neuroscience lab, I conducted experiments…”

4. Don’t be vague or trite. Make sure you spell out your accomplishments clearly and substantively. If your reader doesn’t understand an activity, you will not get “full credit” for what you’ve done. Make no assumptions.

5. Avoid abbreviations. Again, you want to be formal, and abbreviations you think are common might not be familiar to the reader.

6. Write about yourself and your role – not an organization. For example, don’t use the space to discuss Doctors without Borders. Use it to discuss the specifics of your role at Doctors without Borders.

7. Avoid generalities and consider using numbers to be persuasive. Saying that the conference you organized had 300 participants says it all.

8. Don’t merge the descriptors with the most meaningful paragraphs because they are separate sections: You can complete descriptors for up to 15 activities with up to 700 characters each plus up to three most meaningful paragraphs of up to 1325 characters each.

9. Unless your PI won the Nobel, avoid using supervisors’ and/or doctors’ names in your descriptors as they will be meaningless to the majority of your readers.

10. Get help. Do not submit your medical school application without having it reviewed. You do not want to showcase suboptimal materials for a process that is this important and competitive.

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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