Blog Archives

It Gets Better

In honor of the Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” campaign, I thought I would dedicate this blog entry to those who are in medical training and are struggling. (And who isn’t?!)

Despite the relatively warm winter many of us are experiencing, this time of year can be particularly rough for medical students and residents trying to get through classes and rotations. As a practicing MD, I want to let you know that it gets better! For every medical student, resident or fellow who has heard an attending physician say, “If you think training is hard, wait until you’re done,” I say, “Don’t believe that silly doctor!” Once you get through this tough time, you can look forward to more autonomy and a happier lifestyle.

I wish someone had told me all of this when I was going through training. It really gets better!

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Outside of the Box

Now that the new year is here, many pre-meds, medical students and residents will be asked to finalize their schedules for the next year or more. Although it’s easy to get wrapped up in it all, I wanted to put in a plug for something a bit unconventional – time away from the field entirely.

When I was in medical school, I took almost a year away to travel and explore journalism, a career that had always interested me. I obtained a small grant to conduct research in Mexico and then backpacked with some friends through Mexico and Guatemala. I also spent a month in Thailand. Additionally, I was awarded an American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Fellowship in Science Writing, so I worked in Portland at the Oregonian writing articles for the paper.

Taking time away from medicine is not an option for everyone: Some institutions do not encourage it, and there is usually a financial opportunity cost. I will say, though, that being away from medicine made me appreciate it more and helped me improve several useful skills, including foreign language and writing.

If taking a scheduled break from the norm is a viable choice for you, I would strongly encourage it. The experiences I had have long-reaching effects that continue to help me as a physician today.

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An Excellent Question

I recently read a NYT piece called, “Why Would Anyone Choose to Become a Doctor?” by Dr. Danielle Ofri. It’s a sweet essay written by a physician who describes being perplexed by the large number of medical school applicants yearly, considering her profession’s numerous annoyances.

As the author considers alternatives to her career, however, she comes to the conclusion that her clinical encounters make it all worthwhile. The essay is a nice pick-me-up.

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Happiness: Be All That You Can Be

Medical school and residency training usually decrease one’s happiness for several reasons. Happiness researchers have demonstrated that a feeling of control and the amount of spare time one has both correlate with happiness. Both of those factors are limited during med school and residency. Relationships are also correlated with happiness, and those can be squashed during medical training as well.

I’m not trying to be a downer here! I want to encourage applicants to consider this happiness quotient when selecting an institution and training program. If you are able, maximizing your contentment by choosing an institution that fosters your greatest happiness is key. Geography; proximity to family, friends and community; and a location that provides an opportunity to enjoy hobbies during limited free time is significant.

Excellent training is important, but, in the end, many programs turn out equally qualified clinicians. At least consider your well-being as a factor in selecting where you might be for the next three plus years of your life.

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This is a Soul

I wanted to put in a plug for a book I’m reading called, “This is a Soul: The Mission of Rick Hodes” by Marilyn Berger. The book chronicles the work of Dr. Hodes, an American doctor who has lived in Ethiopia for over three decades assisting children with horribly severe – oftentimes lethal – spinal problems (frequently tuberculosis-related). Dr. Hodes himself has adopted several sick Ethiopian children.

During his emergency medicine training, my husband worked with Dr. Hodes and was tremendously impressed with his dedication. Here is more information about Rick Hodes and the work he does.

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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